Sunday, 3 April 2011


Apologies for the length of time it has taken me to update this, been a manic few weeks!
I will update our contact information tomorrow once my headache has cleared too.
Our range is now definite, changes can be made but no new designs are going to be added for the time being. Brides/Grooms/Families etc can change colour themes and design their own invites/stationery from scratch with our help but I'm now not designing any new stuff myself until my University course is over as my brain can't handle enjoying the designing followed by the boring-ness of writing a 5,000 word dissertation!

Until then, my new contact details are as follows:
My direct email address:
My direct phone number: 0800 612 6340

I'm the only one with access to that phone number, so any information such as name and contact details, are completely confidential.


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